Homeward bound

Sunday 7th May 2023

We were up early to get ready to head back home, it’s a nice drive back up the A1 and back along the M8, only took around 3 hours.

We arrived home around 1:30pm, unloaded the van and sat down to relax a bit.

It was a great week in the North East of England, we were never much further south than we live in Scotland, which is mildly amusing to us.

We identified some places we’d love to return to, Embleton, Beadnell and Amble in particular, which are great places.

The food was great, we only ate dinner out a couple of times, but we bought some really good food, especially in Turnbulls.

We both really enjoyed the trip, the “England Coast Walk” is great for walking, and the beaches were fantastic.